Hypatia Theon's Philosophical Investigations

Hypatia daughter of Theon was respected by the whole city of Alexandria for her wisdom in spiritual matters as well has her deep knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, having made contributions to the analysis of conic sections and construction of the astrolabe for measuring the position of stars and planets. Read more.

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Location: ALEXANDRIA, Greece

After a few hundred years in soulful communion with her beloved "One," Hypatia Theon found herself drawn once again into human form, this time after becoming a seasoned RPG campaigner, which you can read about at [http://pearllong.blogspot.com ] Hypatia Theon investigated the applications of role play to therapy at MDJunction, as you can see at [http://www.mdjunction.com/diary/fun-games/pearl-hunts-a-cute-hunter-game-forum-post-of-player-longzhenzhus-character-pearl-dragon]. Now the time seems ripe for a new endeavor, the application of the skills she's learned to coordinating volunteer experts and problems in economic development to make our world a better place.

Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Pinnacle of Reason:

"I want more posts in this thread before I reveal the irony.
I am sticking to my promise also. and that I swear by God."  =-O
So, Pinnacle of Reason, by "reveal the irony"? May we take you to be saying that nobody is likely to be paid even though you will, of course, stick by your promise, which somehow also entails that there is no way what-so-ever for aspirants to answer is such a manner as to be worthy of winning your $10,000 prize?  :-\

That just seems the most likely meaning of "irony" here because it also automatically lets you off the hook for quite an expensive offer, right?  ;-)

Pretty much as I expected, though.  8-)


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