Hypatia Theon's Philosophical Investigations

Hypatia daughter of Theon was respected by the whole city of Alexandria for her wisdom in spiritual matters as well has her deep knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, having made contributions to the analysis of conic sections and construction of the astrolabe for measuring the position of stars and planets. Read more.

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Location: ALEXANDRIA, Greece

After a few hundred years in soulful communion with her beloved "One," Hypatia Theon found herself drawn once again into human form, this time after becoming a seasoned RPG campaigner, which you can read about at [http://pearllong.blogspot.com ] Hypatia Theon investigated the applications of role play to therapy at MDJunction, as you can see at [http://www.mdjunction.com/diary/fun-games/pearl-hunts-a-cute-hunter-game-forum-post-of-player-longzhenzhus-character-pearl-dragon]. Now the time seems ripe for a new endeavor, the application of the skills she's learned to coordinating volunteer experts and problems in economic development to make our world a better place.

Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?

Friday, June 10, 2005

GreenZap: Proceed With Caution? Right off, I'd say!

You said:

"GreenZap: Proceed With Caution?
Category: General: Making Money Stuff
A few weeks ago, I was invited to join GreenZap. I was told that if/when I open an account, I'd get US$25 in the form of WebCash. WebCash is basically a currency you can use wherever a merchant accept such payments. At the moment, they claim to have deals with NetFlix, HotWire, Amazon, etc.

Basically, the plan is that it's meant to compete with the likes of PayPal.

I signed up without doing much research. Well, I figured, as long as it doesn't ask me for credit card details and other information that I find too sensitive to give out, there isn't mich to lose. If they're just planning to harvest emails, well, what's a handful more junkmail? ;-)

Then, I started to find these websites and discussions online:

    * MLM Scams: GreenZap Scam

    * GreenZap is not a scam! Green Zap is legit!

    * GreenZap Scam

    * Greenzap? Latest Greatest Payment Processor

There are hundreds more. But, who knows who's telling the truth and who's scamming whom? If anything, it's good for GreenZap's marketing. They're creating a buzz, right?

Anyway, for now, I'm giving GreenZap the benefit of the doubt. At the moment, I see the US$25 WebCash in my account. Apparently, I can't use it anywhere yet until the end of the month of June 2005.

They're currently offering a "Go Gold" option, wherein if you upgrade by sending US$100, then you get US$100 WebCash, a debit card, and reduced transaction fees (from US$2 to US$1). I'm not sure about you, but at this stage, I'm not at all tempted. I really prefer to wait and see how this one unfolds first before sending any money or sensitive information.

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06/08/05 - 05:44:24 - Shai - No comments | No Trackbacks
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Hmm... In this case I'd agree with you about 150% at least. In fact, I'll wait until your July posting about whether or not you could actually spend that hypothetical $25 before taking any kind of action whatsoever. Thanks for the heads up. In my experience SCAMS outnumber legitimate offers about umpteenzillion to one or thereabouts, so I gave GreenZap a miss the first time their SPAM arrived in my e-mail or  however it was I first heard about it. These things never seem to die a natural death, though. I rememxber one totally bogus letter that had a l-o-n-g life as a fax forwarded precursor of spam before like a vampire with thousands of pointed chopstickes driven through her heart that shudders back into a bloody lipped kiss of death reanimation in some endlessly screened rocky picture horror show never to lie in discarded coils of film on the cutting room floor boogie bopped back to life as an e-mail come on. Hmm... Have I mixed enough metaphors yet?

Have a nice one...

Regards, Hypatia Theon


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