The Metaphysics of ESSHOC & SOAR. Are characters in Amia an instance?
Some thoughts on ESSHOC (Emergent Systems of Self Hierarchically Organized Complexity):
Contemplation on the sixth basic question of ontology (being) in reverse plus Erwin Schrödinger's conclusion in CHAPTER 6 Order, Disorder and Entropy of WHAT IS LIFE? that "the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness ( = fairly low level of entropy) really consists in continually sucking orderliness from its environment" has led me to believe that if Schrödinger had known in 1944 our current science of cosmology, which has progressed from the hypothetical speculation of his time to the falsifiable hypotheses of the expanding Big Bang, he might well have extended his "exploration of the question which lies at the heart of biology" to include consideration of how Emergent Systems of Self Hierarchically Organized Complexity or ESSHOC (pron. es-shock) that are produced by thermodynamic pumps like Earth, living cells, and human brains, which reverse entropy locally while creating Gaia, species, and human culture respectively, might apply to a universal thermodynamic pump created by the combination of accelerating expansion and the limiting speed of light such that as time proceeds from the one of maximum density/temperature at minimum size towards the zero of minimum density/temperature at infinite expansion that mass/energy/information "lost" beyond the point of no return creates the ESSHOC as our universe cools into separation of forces, emergence of elementary particles organized into elements, galaxies, organic chemistry, life, brains, memetic evolution & leading perhaps to an upcoming technological singularity and beyond? Meanwhile, isn't it logical to consider Amia and such internet game worlds as a higher level "reality" emergent from the mental, memetic world of human culture? Anyway, There’s nothing particularly new about the idea of our universe creating itself by a bootstrapping process or emergent self-organizing hierarchies of complexity. I find confirmations everywhere among scientific models of our macrocosm. Not to even mention Schrödinger's epilogue to WHAT IS LIFE? "So let us see whether we cannot draw the correct, non-contradictory conclusion from the following two premises: (i) My body functions as a pure mechanism according to the Laws of Nature. (ii) Yet I know, by incontrovertible direct experience, that I am directing its motions, of which I foresee the effects, that may be fateful and all-important, in which case I feel and take full responsibility for them. The only possible inference from these two facts is, I think, that I –I in the widest meaning of the word, that is to say, every conscious mind that has ever said or felt 'I' -am the person, if any, who controls the 'motion of the atoms' according to the Laws of Nature.".
Some musings on SOAR (Self Observational Active Replication):
I’m trying to characterize these mechanisms simply, so, after considering anthropomorphism, I would like to include the necessity of a subjective time dimension for human consciousness:
One point it seems important to be crystal clear on is that SOAR at the level of mind creates a much richer consciousness, in a non-mystical sense of self-awareness, than at the Gaia level of genetic replication or the universal level of the “laws” of physics. In terms of: I’d say that universal SOAR is purely the creation of syntax, in DNA-based SOAR semantics emerges with pragmatics enforced by the environment (This seems to be the level determinists limit themselves to considering.) whereas at the level of mind pragmatics becomes internalized so that choice, as far as humans know anyway, only emerges in mental SOAR, although exercising creative free will of course entails all those “laws” of organic chemistry and particle physics being simultaneously enacted in turtles-all-the-way-down recursion. Surely, when our personal "muse" inspires us to create characters and stories all the lower levels are simultaneously invoked, so when we do this co-operatively, what else is it but universal representation?
I'm afraid that I’ve expressed myself poorly regarding this subtlety of levels:
I have an inkling how universal SOAR transforms distributed memory of the “laws” of physics to local memory, but I don’t want to babble foolishly about quantum mechanical decoherence for which I can’t give any mathematical formula, so I’ll content my self with a quasi-empirical meta-logical formulation of : E + ~E -> 0 where the symbol “->” denotes the process of becoming “=”.
The best physical model I can find for this is in Stephen Wolfram’s A New Kind Of Science | On Line Chapter 9: Fundamental Physics (See: Sections 7 – 16.) that the Universe is fundamentally the evolution of a network of relationships between nodes, which entails that there is no ultimate substance as a node is simply where three relationships cross – continually updated in SOAR as at each center of ESSHOC, with the center of the universe being everywhere, new information is constantly arriving from earlier higher-entropy eras and coordinating the creative emergence of the “laws” of physics as non-local universal information becomes local information, or as Wolfram explains it:
Well, this is all background material for a Metaphysical question I'd like to raise about worlds such as Amia, i.e., are they ESSHOC within which characters instantiate a level of SOAR beyond mind?
Sorry if that this is still a bit recondite. Maybe after a few more days meditation on the question, I can recast its background in simpler terms. This is just to get us started.
Regards, Hypatia Theon
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