Re: Want $10,000?
Subject of a post in the Psychology Forum at Want $10,000?
Pinnacle of Reason:
"If anyone can explain what the below text means, I'll pay him/her $10,000."It seems naive to expect payment when Pinnacle of Reason will be the judge of whether the explanation was adequate.
What, if anything, is meant by this text?
When we speak a language, we speak using voices. We communicate by means of sound, which is music.The text begins by limiting the meanings of some common words, so that language is considered merely verbal speech, neglecting for example sign language and all other non-verbal symbol systems like this writing, too. Furthermore, communication takes place only through the medium of sound, which is defined as music. Within this restricted vocabulary a tautology is now introduced that to set language equal to music is the same as making music identical to language. Now within this set of narrow definitions and the logic that L = M is the same as M = L there follows this syllogism: If language equals music and music is identical to language, then (our) mind speaks music. Of course this follows within the vocabulary wherein language is only by speech that communicates only by the sound of music. Q.E.D. So much for the logical meaning of this text.
If we equate language with music, and say music is identical to language. Then doesn't our mind speak music?
Is it fair to say, since we express our Mind by means of Music, that Mind is Music?
The human mind has two distinct faculties. 1)Rational & Irrational, 2)Arational (Neologism)
1) The rational & Irrational is expressed by means of a combination of logical or illogical structure and words (signifiers) with meaning attached.
2) The arational or emotional is not adequately expressed by words, but by feelings, which can be expressed in classical music.
So, in the beginning. The mind precedes language and music. Mind is not language. Language is a component of the mind. Our mind is not bound by words, because our mind can also be expressed using classical music.
Next follows a moot ethical consideration of the "fairness" of saying what's just been said, i.e., "The medium is the messenger." Since mind is expressed through the medium of music; therefore, mind is music.
A further set of definitions is imperfectly presented with the mind being divided between rational (logical) and arational (emotional) sides reminiscent of so many other dualities like right brain and left brain, body and soul, God and Satan, and so on.
Within this imperfectly focused set of definitions, meanings are considered as attached to words used either logically or illogically whereas emotions cannot be fully shown by words and are expressed by music.
Now returning to the beginning, just like the Biblical logos which was with God and was God, mind precedes that division of mind into the rational, logical, verbal left brain versus the arational, emotional, musical right brain. Thus it follows that mind is not only language, a mere component thereof (Just shown, by definition, to be half or less.) and, of course, then not the entire circumference. Mind, or its emotional side anyway, is also expressed through (classical) music. Again Q.E.D. if one accepts the second, somewhat blurry definitional set.
You can pay me at, but I'm not expecting that anytime soon.
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