Hypatia Theon's Philosophical Investigations

Hypatia daughter of Theon was respected by the whole city of Alexandria for her wisdom in spiritual matters as well has her deep knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, having made contributions to the analysis of conic sections and construction of the astrolabe for measuring the position of stars and planets. Read more.

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Location: ALEXANDRIA, Greece

After a few hundred years in soulful communion with her beloved "One," Hypatia Theon found herself drawn once again into human form, this time after becoming a seasoned RPG campaigner, which you can read about at [http://pearllong.blogspot.com ] Hypatia Theon investigated the applications of role play to therapy at MDJunction, as you can see at [http://www.mdjunction.com/diary/fun-games/pearl-hunts-a-cute-hunter-game-forum-post-of-player-longzhenzhus-character-pearl-dragon]. Now the time seems ripe for a new endeavor, the application of the skills she's learned to coordinating volunteer experts and problems in economic development to make our world a better place.

Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Philosophical Flirting with "The Latest Dark Cabal"

Thanks for the link on your blog to Richard Bowes's story, "There's a Hole in the City," and it's nice to better understand Rick's thinking by his comment:

What I needed was time and context. In the direct aftermath when I found myself the only person out walking on a dark city block or when any sudden sound made everyone look toward Ground Zero, I felt I was in a ghost story. That stuck with me and served as the metaphor that made it possible for me to tell the story you read.
there, too. I do appreciate the appeal of a ghost metaphor as a vehicle for communicating those painful echos of "reality" in semi-fictionalized form. Myself, I've resorted to many such subterfuges from life as a dirty joke to my current role playing "real" life is pursuit of "the truth," but for today your blog together with Rick's ghost story have given rise to my latest philosophical question to the blog sphere, "Why is it so hard to 'tell it like it is'"?


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