A fundamental question...
Art Witherall attributes this question to Martin Heidegger
Martin Heidegger has called the fundamental question of metaphysics: "why is there something instead of nothing?".
I began considering John Wheeler's version, "How do we get 'it' from 'bit'?"
John Wheeler's questions: "The Question is what is The Question? Is it all a Magic Show? Is Reality an Illusion? What is the framework of The Machine? Darwins Puzzle: Natural Selection? Where does Space-Time come from? Is there any answer except that it comes from consciousness? What is Out There? Tis Ourselves? Or, is IT all just a Magic Show?"
Is there an altertative in THE PHILOSOPHY OF XAVIER ZUBIRI?
As Zuribi puts it (in Sobre la esencia translation by Robert Caponigri) "The theory of "sentient intelligence" must be distinguished from the "epistemological question" or the theory of knowledge. The theory of intelligence is logically antecedent to the epistemological question and every epistemological theory eventually reveals that it presupposes a theory of the intelligence in its account of what and how man can know."
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